June 06, 2017

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Join the Franklin County Area Agency on Aging in recognizing 

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD)

June 15, 2017

WEAAD was launched June 15, 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations. WEAAD is also in support of the United Nations International Plan of Action acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue. Since its inception, communities throughout the country and around the world used this day to raise the visibility to elder abuse, by sharing information about abuse and neglect and promoting the resources and services that increase seniors’ safety and well-being.

Elder Abuse is…

Physical Abuse

Pushing, biting, rough handling, restricting movement, unwanted sexual advances, bruising.

Emotional Abuse

Intimidation, humiliation, threats, insults, harassment, isolation, rejection, bullying, belittling


Behaviors that threaten an elder’s health or safety.


Refusal or failure by those responsible to provide food, shelter, healthcare or protection for a vulnerable elder; abandonment or suspicious death.

Financial or Material Exploitation

Illegally taking, abusing or concealing funds, property or assets of an elder. Intentionally misleading or preying upon an older person.


It Happens Here…
It Happens Every Day… 


In the year 2016, Franklin County’s Area Agency on Aging received 317 Reports of Need alleging various types of abuse for individuals 18 and older.

Of these, 275 were for older adults (reports may include several allegations)

78 (29%) were for financial or material exploitation
66 (24%) were for physical abuse
60 (23%) were for neglect
36 (13%) were for self-neglect
30 (11%) were for emotional abuse

Franklin County Elder Abuse Task Force 

In 2012, as reports of elder abuse steadily rose, concerned groups came together to form Franklin County’s first Elder Abuse Task Force.

Franklin County District Attorney’s Office
Franklin County Area Agency on Aging
Franklin County Coroner
F&M Bank
PA Department of Aging
PA State Police
Protective Services at Temple University

This group meets once a month to review open current cases, plan educational sessions and outreach relating to elder abuse and to share their expertise. Although specific information is confidential, this effort has resulted in several criminally prosecuted elder abuse and neglect cases in Franklin County.

Signs of Elder Abuse:

Witnessed intimidation such as screaming, bullying, threatening.
Unexplained injuries. Bruises, pain from touching, burns, scratches. Changes in unusual behaviors and patterns. Reluctance to talk, isolation, hesitation, fear, anxiety, unexplained refusal or medical treatment. Discrepancies between known assets & life-style. Altered wills and trusts, unusual withdrawals, gifts given, checks expected and not received.


If you know or suspect that an elderly person living anywhere in Pennsylvania is being harmed, call us. We can help. Callers may remain anonymous

Local line (Area Agency on Aging)
263-2153 or 800-642-6990

Elder Abuse Hotline – 800-490-8505

Reports can be taken 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day.

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