
Home Accessibility Adaptations

Home Accessibility Adaptations consist of certain modifications to the private home of the individual, which are necessary due to the individual‘s disability, to ensure the health, security, and accessibility of the individual, or which enable the individual to function with greater independence in the home.


Vehicle Accessibility Adaptations

Vehicle Accessibility Adaptations consist of certain modifications to the vehicle of the individual that is used as the primary means of transportation to meet the individual‘s needs. These vehicle modifications are necessary due to the individual‘s disability and to meet an assessed need as documented in the ISP. The vehicle that is adapted may be owned by the individual, a family member with whom the individual lives, or a non-relative who provides primary long-term support to the individual and is not a paid provider agency of such services. This service may also be used to adapt a privately owned vehicle of a family living host family when the vehicle is not owned by a provider agency. This service is not used to adapt provider owned, leased, or rented vehicles or provider operated vehicles used to provide transportation services to individuals.