News Detail
Greencastle Magisterial District Court Office Reopens
Magisterial District Court 39-3-05 will reopen for business at 401 S. Washington Street, Greencastle on Thursday, February 21.
February 15, 2019
Magisterial District Court 39-3-05 will reopen for business at 401 S. Washington Street, Greencastle on Thursday, February 21st.
The office had been temporarily relocated to District Court 39-3-06 in Mercersburg due to required building HVAC system repairs at the leased Greencastle location. The repairs are now complete.
Inquiries may be directed to the appropriate court phone numbers, which remain the same:
39th Judicial District Court Administrator, Mark Singer
Phone: (717) 261-3848
Magisterial District Judge 39-3-05: Borough of Greencastle, Antrim Township
Duane K. Cunningham
Phone: (717) 597-8581
Fax: (717) 597-8123
Magisterial District Judge 39-3-06: Borough of Mercersburg, Montgomery Township, Metal Township, Peters Township, St. Thomas Township, Warren Township
Jody C. Eyer
Phone: (717) 328-3521
Fax: (717) 328-3527