Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Results
Does Franklin County own any roads or bridges?
Franklin County owns 91.5 bridges. However, roads are owned by municipalities or the state.
Does the county have a consumer affairs office?
Franklin County does not have a consumer affairs office. You may contact the State Bureau of Consumer Protection at 800-441-2555 or the State Office of Consumer Advocate for Public Utilities at 717-783-5048. Additional information can be found on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s website
Does the county require licenses for small businesses?
There is no requirement for a license or permit from the county. However, there may be requirements with local municipalities as well as the state. Contact the municipality (township or borough) in which the business will be located. You can also contact the State Corporation Bureau at 717-787-1057.
How do I obtain a driver’s license, vehicle registration or other similar items?
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) handles driver’s licenses, vehicle registration and similar requests. For more information, visit The Franklin County’s Drivers License Center is located at 1320 Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg, and can be reached at 1-800-932-4600.
I am looking to do business with Franklin County. Who do I contact?
For information on doing business with Franklin County Government, contact the Franklin County Procurement Department
What class county is Franklin County?
Based on our population, Franklin County is a fourth class county.
What is the population of Franklin County?
According to the U.S. Census, the population of Franklin County was 155,932 in 2020 and continues to grow.
When are county offices open?
County offices are generally weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding most federal holidays.
Where can I find the welfare office/county assistance office?
Assistance offices are operated by the state in each county. The Franklin County Assistance Office can be reached at 717-264-6121. The office is located at 620 Norland Avenue, Chambersburg. For more information, visit the website.
Where can I find what social/human services are available to me?
Please visit the Human Services Resources page or call 717-261-2561.
Where do I apply for a passport?
Passports may be obtained at the Chambersburg, Fayetteville, Shippensburg or Waynesboro post offices as well as at the Lilian S. Besore Memorial Library in Greencastle.
Who are the federal and state legislators for our area?
To find your U.S. representative or senator, visit To find your local representative or senator in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, click here.
Who can I contact if I can’t afford legal counsel?
You can contact Franklin County Legal Services at 717-262-2326 or MidPenn Legal Services at 717-264-5354.
Who do I contact about health issues/concerns in Franklin County?
To reach the State Department of Health in Franklin County, call 717-263-4143. The office is located at 375 Floral Avenue, Suite 1, Chambersburg.
Who do I contact to have a scale or pump tested?
The county no longer provides Weights and Measures testing and certification. For more information, contact the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture at 717-346-3223.