Career Opportunities

Make more than a salary, make a difference!
Be a part of a team that is proud of the commitment that we have at Franklin County Government! We provide services which are responsive for the health, safety, and general welfare needs of our county residents.
If you want a career that strives to improve the lives of all our residents, Franklin County Government is for you! No matter where you are in your career, we will challenge and help you grow!
Training & Development Opportunities
Franklin County offers opportunities for training and development. There are various programs at both the employee and supervisor levels. For more information on these programs, contact Keri Kenney at
Leadership Development Program
Are you looking to further your leadership skills and move up in your employment? Franklin County has a formal in-house Leadership Development Program (LDP) to help prepare our employees for such roles. This is a year-long program that meets on a monthly basis that includes a variety of topics, books, projects and volunteer work to teach employees leadership skills. No supervisor experience is necessary to apply. Employees are eligible to apply after approximately one year of employment.
Manager Boot Camp
Manager Boot Camp for employees and supervisors meets quarterly to help staff further expand their leadership skills by learning a variety of topics. Sign ups are first come, first serve. No supervisor experience is necessary to apply. Employees are eligible to apply after approximately one year of employment.
Supervisor Training
Are you applying for a supervisor role but unsure of the possible challenges ahead? Look no further! Franklin County is committed to setting supervisors up for success. Current and new supervisors can attend supervisor trainings. Topics include interviewing, disciplining, difficult conversations, employee recognition and engagement, evaluating and more!
Additional Countywide & Department Trainings
Aside from supervisor and leadership related-trainings, the county offers a variety of training opportunities for all employees. These can range from CPR/First Aid, Operation Save a Life (Narcan), Stop the Bleed, self defense, drug trends, active shooter, various wellness topics, Microsoft Office and much more. Countywide training opportunities are constantly growing and changing to meet the needs of the workforce. Additionally, your department may also offer a variety of training you may need for your specific position.