Franklin County’s Archives & Records Management preserves county memories in accordance with the guidelines and rules set forth by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania’s Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Court, county laws, rules and regulations, and industry standards and best practices.
The mission of Franklin County Archives & Records Management is to preserve county memory for internal and external customers in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC), the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania’s Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC), County of Franklin laws, rules and regulations, and industry standards.
From the area’s beginnings as the first frontier of the colonies to the battleground for many wars and onto today, Franklin County has a rich and varied history. The Franklin County Archives & Records Management is dedicated to safeguarding and preserving its history and heritage as well as providing the public with access to the documents and records pertaining to the history, administration and operation of the county.

Browse the Archives’ online selection or plan your research visit using Our Catalog. This catalog is not a complete listing of the nearly seven miles of records in our Records Center; rather, it describes the records most commonly used by the public. We add digitized records and images to the catalog every day. Please contact staff if you don’t see a listing for the type of records you seek. We would love to help you find what you need.
To search an assortment of select, digitized birth, marriage, death, estate, land and tax records, visit our online repository.
Dig Deeper
Getting Started
This is a brief and convenient guide for anyone looking to research their family roots in Franklin County. It covers the most requested types of documents from genealogists and local historians, where to find them, and how to request them.
Deeds and Land Records
Deed Index books within Archives span from 1784-2019 and are an excellent starting point for verifying that your ancestors were indeed in Franklin County. Archives staff can access Deed Index books and deeds. The most recent deeds are located at the Register & Recorder’s Office. Some deeds are available through the Register and Recorder’s LANDEX system, which you can use to search and order deeds. To help navigate land records, Archives also holds Grantor indexes (1784-1985), Grantee indexes (1786-1898) and Mortgage books and indexes (1785-1994), as well as Land Warrants (1753-1874) and Rough Draft Surveys (1753-1970s) and Survey Dockets (1785-1850). You can browse or search through them in the Archives’ online repository.
Tax Assessment Books
Archives holds Records of Valuation (1786-1807) and Tax Assessment books dating back to 1848. Tax assessments were done yearly and chronicle the tax base of all of the townships and boroughs. The records list names of all the freeholders (land owners), tenants and single men in the county for those years. Depending on the assessment criteria in a given year, the records may include the the election district in which the land was located; militia eligibility; occupation; livestock owned; buildings and the materials used to construct them; quality of the land; at what stage of the land purchasing process the taxpayer is (warrant, survey, patent); rank in military; well-being if infirm or poor; if female, whether widow or ward; items of gold and silver; crops, stills, forges, kilns, stores, taverns, carriages or other vehicles; servants and slaves, etc. Most of these records have been scanned and indexed for automated searching and are available in our online repository.
Birth Records
Franklin County began collecting birth records in 1894, and Archives holds the Birth Register from 1894-1906. Most of these records have been scanned and indexed for automated searching and are available in our online repository. Additionally, Archives holds the Delayed Birth Registers & Indices for births that occurred between 1864-1905. For births beginning in 1906, contact the Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records. For births prior to 1894, contact or visit the places listed under the “Local Resources” section on the Research Resources page. They have access to family histories, church records, etc. which might contain additional information.
Marriage Records
Archives houses Marriage Docket Indices (1885-1918), Marriage License applications (1885-2011), and Marriage License Returns/Duplicates (1885-2020). The most recent records are kept at the Clerk of Courts’ office. A number of the earliest Duplicate Marriage Certificates (1885-1890) have been scanned and are available in the Archives’ online repository. For marriages prior to 1885, contact or visit the places listed under the “Local Resources” section on the Research Resources page. They have access to family histories, church records, etc. which might contain additional information.
Divorce & Annulment Records
Archives houses Divorce and Annulment Records from 1886-2018 and can provide copies of Decrees. For certified copies of decrees, please contact the Franklin County Prothonotary’s Office.
Death Records
Franklin County Archives holds Death Registers from 1852-1935. Information given may include name, age, gender, race, occupation, marital status, date and place of birth and death, cause of death, names of parents and place of interment. A large portion of these records have been transcribed and made searchable in the online repository. For deaths beginning in 1906, you will need to contact the Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records.
Estate Papers
Archives houses Indexes to Administrations & Wills and Estate Papers spanning from 1784-present. These may include wills, codicils, probates of wills, petitions for letters of testamentary and administration, decrees, issuing letters, affidavits of death, death certificates, oaths, bonds, renunciations, inventories and appraisements, citations, distributions, court orders, accounts, inheritance tax papers and receipts, family agreements, releases, and all other papers and dockets relating to estate matters. Visit our online repository to see a selection of these records that have been automated. Some Estate Papers are available through the Register and Recorder’s LANDEX system, which you can use to search and order records. For the most recent estate papers, contact the Register & Recorder’s Office. Familysearch.org has made available online its collection of microfilmed wills from 1784-1905.
Veterans Records
Archives houses Veterans’ Grave Registers (1798-2017), Cemetery Maps & Plot Records (circa 1934), Militia eligibility records (1865-1866), digital copies of the 1862 Draft Enrollment List, Local Military Enlistment/Discharge Records (1865-1953) and Military Discharges. Contact Veteran Affairs for burial records. Also, contact the Register & Recorder’s Office for access to old soldier discharge papers. For additional resources, visit our Research Resources page.
Naturalization Records
Prior to 1906, any county courthouse could grant U.S. citizenship. The process of naturalization consisted of filing at least two papers known as the ‘Declaration of Intention’ and the ‘Petition for Naturalization.’ After living in the U.S. for two years, an immigrant could file their declaration, which was their formal oath renouncing allegiance to all other foreign governments. After waiting another three years, an immigrant filed their petition for naturalization. Naturalization Dockets, Indices and Papers spanning from 1838-1991 are available at the Archives. They may include Certificates of Arrival, Declarations of Intention, Depositions, Lists of Naturalization Petitions Recommended to be Granted or Denied, Naturalization or Alien Dockets and Indices, Naturalization Notes of Testimony, Naturalization Petitions, Orders of Court Granting or Denying Petitions for Naturalization, Repatriation Dockets, Requests for Certificates of Arrival, and Stubs for Naturalization Certificates.
Department Staff
Stefanie Basalik, Ph.D
Director of Archives & Record Management
Kristina Shuman
Archives Public Services Assistant
Frances C. Golden
Archives Clerk
Cecilia Scott
Archives Specialist
Briana McNames
Archives Specialist
Heather A. Wade MA, CAE