Community Connections


Community Connections provides supportive services for those who are returning to the community from correctional facilities as well as those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or seeking housing stability services.

Mission Statement

To provide supportive services that make our community a better place to live and work.

The following programs function under Community Connections:

Reentry Services

Reentry Services works with those who are returning to the community from correctional facilities. The CARE Program is for those with mental health issues. A form is available to professionals who wish to make a referral.

Jordan Herman

CARE Forensic Case Manager

Franklin Together: Reentry Coalition of Franklin County

The mission of Franklin Together: Franklin County Reentry Coalition is to develop strong collaborative community and professional partnerships that will empower and support formerly incarcerated individuals – and their families – to reduce recidivism and encourage them to become contributing members of the community. The Reentry Coalition advocates for change that supports successful reentry for all returning individuals.

Leigh Elliott

Franklin Together Reentry Coalition Coordinator

Community Connections Housing Access Center

The Housing Access Center works directly with those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or seeking housing stability services.

Individuals seeking services may call or walk in Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Services include:

  • Assessment for those who are street homeless and/or fleeing domestic violence to place them on the list for services.
  • Referral to local homeless shelters.
  • Referral to all Franklin County housing programs (Veterans Multi-Service, Salvation Army, South Central Community Action Programs, Waynesboro Community and Human Services, PATH, faith-based partners, etc.) that assist in keeping someone housed.
  • Connection to potential landlords and/or property management companies in order to insure housing stability.
  • Assistance for families to maintain utilities as this can lead to housing instability.

Many of these programs are a part of our Coordinated Entry System and require referrals.

Misty Conner

Housing Navigation Coordinator

Community Connections Street Outreach

Street outreach allows for us to work directly with those who are homeless and living on the street. It can assist in connecting individuals to the coordinated entry system for housing programs while addressing essential services. Case management that is provided will help to identify and obtain housing. For some it will allow them to self-resolve their homelessness. When needed to assist with this process, case management can make the referrals to resources that will assist in the journey to self-sufficiency.

HUD Permanent Supportive Housing

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) permanent supportive housing programs assist those who have any form of a permanent disability and are chronically homeless. To be eligible, individuals must be street homeless, have a disability, complete the VI SPDAT assessment and be placed on the By Name List.

Individuals cannot be directly referred to this program. All individuals must first speak with the Housing Navigation Coordinator to determine if they are eligible.

Reentry Housing Program

Reentry Housing programs provide viable home plans for those who are justice involved. The Home START program provides those who are in the Franklin County correctional facility requiring a home plan with an application fee, security deposit and short-term rental subsidies. The Reentry Assisted Stabilization Program (RASP) provides application fees or security deposits and medium-term rental subsidies to those who are in the Franklin County correctional facility or are currently on supervision and require a home plan. Intensive case management is provided to each person enrolled in either program. A referral is required to be considered for these programs.

Michael Giglio

Forensic Housing Case Manager