Juvenile Probation


Franklin County Juvenile Probation provides general probation supervision, school-based probation supervision, aftercare supervision to juvenile offenders as well as victim services. Probation officers also facilitate numerous diversion and intervention groups to address youth needs.

youth in handcuffs, sitting with knees up and face buried in arms.

Mission Statement

Franklin County Juvenile Probation, in partnership with families, is dedicated to reducing recidivism in juvenile offenders by providing individualized interventions through the employment of evidence-based practices focusing equally on holding juvenile offenders accountable, the development of competencies, and protection of the community.

Department Goals

In accordance with the Juvenile Justice Goals outlined and established by the Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission in 1995, the Franklin County Juvenile Probation Department strives to achieve the following goals of balanced and restorative justice:

  • To hold juvenile offenders accountable for offenses committed
  • To protect the community from known juvenile offenders
  • To assist juvenile offenders in developing competencies
  • To develop disposition plans that impose the minimum amount of confinement that is consistent with the protection of the community and rehabilitation needs of the juvenile

What We Do

Franklin County Juvenile Probation, under the direction and guidance of the 39th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, provides probation services to Franklin County youth who fall within the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court under Chapter 63 of the Pennsylvania Criminal Code.


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