Everyday Lives: Value in Action
The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) supports Pennsylvanians with developmental disabilities and their families to achieve greater independence, choice and opportunity in their lives. The office seeks to continuously improve an effective system of accessible services and supports that are flexible, innovative and person-centered.

The Franklin/Fulton Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities program strives to partner with the community to support individuals and families to have an “Everyday Life”. The Franklin/Fulton IDD program values what is important to people with disabilities and their families, who are striving for an everyday life. People with disabilities and autism have a right to an everyday life, a life that is no different than that of all other citizens.
Eligibility and Intake
Where Do I Begin?
If you are not registered with Franklin/Fulton Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities/Early Intervention (MH/IDD/EI), call 717-264-5387 to initiate the intake process.
During the intake appointment, you will need to submit documents to help establish whether you are eligible for services through the IDD system. Some example documents include medical records, a psychological assessment with full scale IQ score, and school records. Franklin/Fulton MH/IDD/EI will then assess your eligibility. Staff can help you obtain a psychological assessment with a full scale IQ if you do not have one. You will need to bring your medical insurance information, such as a medical assistance card (ACCESS) or other proof of insurance, to the intake appointment.
Office of Developmental Programs Overview: English | Spanish
If you are found to be eligible to receive services and are requesting services now or in the future, you will receive supports coordination.
What Happens Next?
Your supports coordinator will:
- Talk with you about what kinds of supports and services would be helpful to you.
- Offer you an opportunity to complete an application for the Medicaid Home & Community-Based Waiver Program.
- Create an Individual Support Plan (ISP).
If sufficient funding and capacity for services is available, your supports coordinator will:
- Enroll you in services, which will require completing additional applications.
- Help you develop your individual plan.
- Help you talk with individuals or agencies in the community that could support you.
- Coordinate and monitor supports and services.
If sufficient funding and capacity for services is not available, your supports coordinator will:
- Offer you the opportunity to complete a Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) form and place you on the waiting list.
- Help to identify other types of community supports and services that would help you while you are waiting.
Community-Provided Services
Below is a list of some of the services available through the Franklin/Fulton Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities program. Access to these services is dependent upon the waiting list, individual eligibility and availability of funding.
- Case management (supports coordination services)
- Home and community-based services
- Residential habilitation services
- Companion services
- Day services
- Supported employment services
- Respite services
- Adaptation