The planning department works with local governments, community organizations and the public to emphasize regional cooperation, foster growth consistent with existing infrastructure, protect regional aesthetic and historic characteristics, and support a high quality of life in Franklin County.
The guiding principles of the Franklin County Planning Commission are to foster the proper growth of Franklin County to ensure the enjoyment of life by each citizen in a pleasant, healthful, and harmonious environment.

The Franklin County Planning Department is guided by and provides staff support for the following Franklin County boards:
- Planning Commission
- Agricultural Land Preservation Board
- Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Board of Commissioners
The department seeks to promote economic growth, protect regional aesthetic and historic characteristics, and support a high quality of life in Franklin County. Working with local governments, community organizations, and the public, the Franklin County Planning Department emphasizes regional cooperation and fostering growth consistent with existing infrastructure.
The Planning Department also administers several community development grants and oversees the mosquito- and tick-borne disease program for Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon and Bedford counties.
Department Staff
Quentin Clapper
Planning Director
Senior Planner
Elizabeth Butler
Community Planner
Jason Goetz
Mosquito- & Tick-Borne Disease Control Specialist
Admin Assistant II
Matthew Romero
Community Planner
Colleen Tidd
Community Planner