DUI/Investigation Unit

DUI/Investigation Unit
The Franklin County DUI Unit strives to offer community protection, the enforcement of public safety and ensuring the drinking driver is offered the most effective evidence-based practices for his or her rehabilitation and return to the community.
The Investigative Unit provides completion of the Court Reporting Network (CRN) and Pre-Sentence Reports to the courts for delivering fair sentencing of individuals who have violated the laws in Franklin County.
Franklin County DUI Coordinator/Supervisor: Kevin Zook 717-267-1654, ext. 21654
Court Reporting Network (CRN)
PA DUI law requires all DUI offenders complete the Court Reporting Network (CRN) evaluation. The CRN serves as a standardized assessment designed as a tool for the courts while also gathering statistical information on DUI offenders in Pennsylvania.
The CRN must be completed BEFORE acceptance into Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) or sentencing, so it is important to complete the scheduled CRN. Failure to do so may delay your case. You will be notified by Probation through mail or by phone when your CRN is scheduled.
Alcohol Highway Safety School (AHSS)
Alcohol Highway Safety School, commonly referred to as DUI School, is a structured educational program with standardized curriculum to teach DUI offenders about the dangers of impaired driving. The 12.5-hour class will provide basic knowledge and understanding of alcohol and drug use and their effects on metabolism and judgment, alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as highway safety. The course will encourage a positive change in the student’s attitude concerning driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.
The Franklin County DUI Program is certified through the Pennsylvania DUI Association to conduct the 12.5-hour course. Instructors are all certified through the PA DUI Association and receive on-going training in areas associated with alcohol and drugs in order to retain their certification.
To schedule your DUI School, you must first schedule and complete your CRN. At the conclusion of your CRN, you will be scheduled for the next available class on your preferred day.
Franklin and Fulton county offenders will have the $150.00 cost of the program included in the overall fines/costs/restitution balance assessed with their cases.
DUI offenders referred to the Franklin County DUI Program from outside counties or states must pay the cost of the program at the start of their first session. Failure to attend the first session as scheduled without compelling or documented reasons as determined by the DUI Coordinator will be assessed a rescheduling fee of $150.00 or what amounts to the cost of the class. The make-up fee for any unexcused absence is $30.00 per class.
ARD Program
The Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) Program is designed for first-time offenders so they can receive the benefits of rehabilitation and offers them the possibility of dismissal of the charges and expungement of the offender’s arrest record. You must satisfy all conditions of the court and pay all costs associated with the case before the dismissal of charges and expungement of the criminal record can occur. Normally, the court requires a candidate for the ARD Program to complete 25 hours of community service, receive a drug and alcohol assessment, complete the Court Reporting Network (CRN) and DUI School, and complete the online MADD Victim Impact Panel. Once all these special conditions are met, the person may be considered for the ARD Program by the District Attorney’s Office.