
In Pennsylvania, primary elections are held on the third Tuesday of May except in years with a presidential election when they are held on the fourth Tuesday in April. Municipal/general elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

County, township and borough elections are held in odd numbered years. National, state and party elections are held in even numbered years.

Pennsylvania has a closed primary, which means voters cannot vote unless they are a member of one of the major political parties. Exception: All registered voters may vote for a referendum question during a spring primary election if a referendum appears on the ballot.

The Pennsylvania Department of State offers information on voting in Pennsylvania, including information for first-time voters, voting by provisional ballot, and voting by mail-in or absentee ballots, on its website, www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA.


Election Officers

All elections shall be conducted in each of Franklin County’s 73 election districts by an election board consisting of a judge of elections, a majority inspector of elections, a minority inspector of elections and at least one or two clerks.

All election officers shall be qualified registered electors in Franklin County. All election officers receive compensation for their duties based on voter turnout and if they worked a half or a full day.

If you or someone you know is interested in serving as a poll worker complete this form or contact the Franklin County Commissioners’ Office at 717-261-3812 or commissioners@franklincountypa.gov.


Contact Information

Susan Christophel

Deputy Chief Clerk/Election Director