Franklin County employees raised a total of $480.00 for local animal shelters last month. Through a County wellness initiative and direct donation, Franklin County's Healthy...
Franklin County is pleased to welcome Shawn Haines as the new Director of the Franklin County Area Agency on Aging effective August 6, 2020. “I’m...
With interest rates at record lows, the Franklin County Board of Commissioners approved an ordinance to refinance bonds in the amount of $13,860,000. The refinance...
The 39th Judicial District is pleased to welcome the newest juvenile probation officer, Harley Payne. Harley graduated from Shippensburg University in May of 2018 with...
FRANKLIN COUNTY APPOINTMENT TO FRANKLIN COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD Franklin County is currently accepting applications from interested individuals for one voluntary, non-paid position, with the...
Franklin County is pleased to announce Christy Unger as the new Franklin/Fulton Drug & Alcohol Administrator and Single County Authority (SCA) effective June 11, 2020....
The Franklin County Commissioners are requesting letters of interest from individuals to represent Franklin County as part of the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States...
The Franklin County Adult Probation Department Community Service Program is currently seeking 501(c)(3) non-profit agencies (verification may be required), or government entities, to provide community...
Franklin County is applying for an Emergency Solutions Grant – CARES (ESG-CV). These funds will enable local non-profit agencies to provide outreach, case management, essential...
By Jason Goetz, Franklin County Mosquito and Tick-Borne Disease Control Specialist All information for this article was taken from the Centers for Disease Control and...
As the Franklin County Board of Commissioners, we share the concerns of Franklin County residents who continue to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic....
This week, the Governor signed a bill allowing local governments to provide greater flexibility on property tax deadlines in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In a...
To help Franklin County residents concerned about making their county tax payments on time, the Board of County Commissioners discussed extending the payment discount period...
This afternoon the Franklin County Commissioners, in conjunction with the President Judge and independent elected officials, approved a temporary reduction in staffing across County and...
The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the Employee of the Month Award for March to Mr. Jeffrey Sarver. Mr. Sarver has been employed with Franklin...
Due to unprecedented circumstances, the deadline for the 2020 Franklin County Nursing Scholarship is extended from March 26, 2020 to 4:30 PM on Thursday, April 2,...