The Franklin County Commissioners are sharing information regarding a Wolf Administration initiative called “Stop Overdoses in PA: Get Help Now Week.” Naloxone will be available...
Franklin County entered into a grant agreement with the Commonwealth of PA/PA Emergency Management Agency for statewide interconnectivity funding. In May, Franklin County adopted an...
Last week, the Franklin County Commissioners toured the Waynesboro Industrial Museum. The museum provides visitors with awareness and insight into Waynesboro's rich industrial heritage and hosts...
The Franklin County Commissioners on behalf of the Special Thanks And Recognition (STAR) Committee proudly present the Employee of the Month award to Mr. Brian...
The Franklin County Commissioners approved a tentative budget for 2019 of $163,611,900, of which $50,777,000 is the general fund. The total tax including county, library,...
Franklin County Department of Veteran Affairs is dedicated to serving the needs of area veterans and their families through benefit coordination, outreach, and advocacy. “We’re...
One in five individuals experience mental health issues during their lifetime and one in ten individuals experience issues with substance use. Access to effective treatment...
The Franklin County Commissioners are pleased to announce 2018 Franklin County Tourism and Quality of Life Enhancement Grant recipients. “This program helps our communities promote...
Due to inclement weather, Franklin County Government and Court Offices will be closing today, Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 1:30 P.M. Mandatory personnel shall report...
On Wednesday, November 7th, a multi-county Corrections Emergency Response Team (CERT) exercise was held at 14 North Main Street in downtown Chambersburg. Over 90 individuals...
On Wednesday, November 7th, Franklin County is holding a multi-county law enforcement training exercise at the former Commissioners Complex, also known as the Chambersburg Trust...
Franklin County Commissioners recently passed a resolution to adopt the Franklin County 2019 Hazard Mitigation Plan, bringing a 15-month long updating process almost to a...
The Franklin County Commissioners, on behalf of the Special Thanks And Recognition (STAR) Committee, proudly present the Employee of the Month award to Ms. Courtney Shippey....
The Franklin County Board of Commissioners provided direction to staff this morning after reviewing the 2019 “All-Request” Budget last week. At that time, Fiscal Director...
Franklin County Commissioners will pursue funding to administer the West Nile Virus Program in Franklin County. Since 2000, Pennsylvania's State budget has included funding to...
On Tuesday, October 9th, the Franklin County Commissioners honored 75 employees for their dedication to the county and its residents. “We are sincerely grateful for...