News Detail

Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial Seeks Franklin County Representative


June 10, 2020

The Franklin County Commissioners are requesting letters of interest from individuals to represent Franklin County as part of the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial (AMERICA250PA) which aids in the planning and coordination of the 250th Anniversary of the United States of America in 2026.  To learn more about the initiative visit:

County representatives will be expected to: 

• Report activities/opportunities in their regions to the subcommittees for possible engagement 

• Participate on planning calls, as deemed appropriate by the subcommittee chair 

• Promote and attend regional events 

• Attend the A250PA Annual Fall Meeting in Harrisburg 

Please note, this position is board appointed and requires a six year commitment.

Interested parties should email a letter stating their interest and what makes them PA proud to by July 4, 2020.

The Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial was established by the legislature and Governor Wolf in 2018 to plan, encourage, develop and coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States, Pennsylvania’s integral role in that event and the impact of its people on the nation’s past, present and future.