
The Franklin County Planning Department administers several programs in continued support of the region’s rich heritage and in fostering a high quality of life.
Agricultural Land Preservation
Franklin County participates in the Pennsylvania Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Program. Through the program, the state, county and local governments can purchase conservation easements from farmers to slow the loss of prime farmland to non-agricultural uses. Landowners apply to the County’s Agricultural Land Preservation Board to participate in the Easement Purchase Program. Applications are ranked and then forwarded on to the State Agricultural Preservation Board for approval.
Participating counties receive state funds to help make these purchases, and most counties contribute matching dollars to amplify their buying power. Since 1990, Franklin County and the commonwealth have combined to invest more than $35.5 million to preserve over 150 area farms representing roughly 19,000 acres of farmland.
To be eligible, farms must be at least 35 acres and be part of an Agricultural Security Area established by the township where the farm is located. The farm must also have an active conservation plan in place. Please contact your local Conservation District for information regarding conservation planning.
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Funding for the CDBG program is allocated through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to benefit non-entitlement municipalities and community organizations within Franklin County. Chambersburg and Waynesboro boroughs are the two entitlement municipalities in Franklin County; as such, they receive and administer their own CDBG funds for projects within their municipal boundaries. At least 70% of funds received by the county must be used for activities that benefit low- and moderate-income individuals.