News Detail
Schaeffer Named Franklin County’s March Employee Of The Month
March 28, 2024

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the March 2024 Employee of the Month award to Devin Schaeffer during the board’s March 27 public meeting. Schaeffer has been employed by Franklin County since September 2014 and currently serves as a deputy sheriff sergeant in the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office.
March’s Employee of the Month recipient was determined by the Special Thanks and Recognition (STAR) Committee, which received 16 nominations for the March award, one of which was for Schaeffer.
“On Feb. 16, Chambersburg Police were notified of a suicidal man with a firearm,” said the nomination form. “When Sgt. Schaeffer heard the subject’s name over the radio, he immediately stated how he knew him and we started toward the subject’s address. The subject was someone Sgt. Schaeffer knew from high school and high school sports.”
The nomination continued, “Once arriving on scene, Sgt. Schaeffer received the gentleman’s number from dispatch. He was able to get the subject out of the house by talking to him on the phone. The subject was then detained and Sgt. Schaeffer sat with him and helped calm him down. Throughout this incident, the subject stated multiple times that he wouldn’t talk to anyone but Sgt. Schaeffer. Sgt. Schaeffer helped the Chambersburg Police as well as the subject during this incident. The subject ended up being taken to the hospital and getting the help he needed. Sgt. Schaeffer truly helped save the gentleman’s life and helped him get the help he needed.
“Sgt. Schaeffer shows our team each and every day how to be a leader and leads by example,” said the nomination form. “He is brave and doesn’t ever back down from a problem. He is truly someone who has empowered his coworkers to be better each day.”
Schaeffer’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by her peers. He is described as brave, empowering and a leader.
The Franklin County Commissioners congratulated Schaeffer on his recognition and thanked him for his excellent work and for exuding such a high standard of knowledge, leadership and excellence to the employees and residents of Franklin County.