Tax Assessment

The Franklin County Tax Assessment Office values all land and improvements in the county. Updated records are available via counter computer and/or individual property record cards.
This office also prepares tax bills for the county, municipalities and school districts.
Computer records for assessment and tax claim are available through an online subscription service.
Payment for this service is made in advance through PayPal.
New UPI Application
To submit a new UPI application, complete and submit this online form. The form is submitted directly to the UPI Verification Staff for review. The staff shall review the documentation, ensure a new UPI Number is necessary, and assign said new UPI Number if necessary. Those parcels missing adequate information for issuance will be rejected and a new form must be submitted.
Address Changes
To change your address, you can notify your local tax collector or submit the Address Change Form to the tax office.
Record copies are $0.25 per page.
Tax Rates
- 2025 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2024 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2023 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2022 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2021 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2020 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2019 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2018 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2017 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2016 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2015 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2014 Tax Rates For Franklin County
- 2013 Tax Rates For Franklin County
Tax Collectors
The deadline for appeals is August 1 of each year.
Appeals Exemptions
The Taxpayer Relief Act provides for property tax reduction allocations to be distributed by the Commonwealth to each school district. Property tax reduction will be through a “homestead or farmstead exclusion.” Generally, most owner-occupied homes and farms are eligible for property tax reduction. Only a primary residence is eligible for property tax relief.
You do not need to apply for Homestead/Farmstead annually. Please verify that you are not currently approved for the exclusion before submitting an application.
Contact the Franklin County Tax Assessment Office with any questions regarding your Homestead/Farmstead status, or refer to the FAQs below.
Deadline: December 15 – March 1 each year
Are there programs I may qualify for to assist with my real estate taxes?
Currently, there are three programs available to assist with real estate taxes:
- Homestead/Farmstead Program: See the information on this page.
- Pennsylvania Property Tax Rebate Program: Contact your local state representative for details.
- 100% Disabled Veteran Program: Contact the Franklin County Veterans Affairs office for details.
Does the assessed value change due to the new sale price of the property?
No. The assessed value does not change based on the sale price.
How are my taxes calculated?
The current millage rate is taken multiplied by the current total assessed value of each property to calculate the real estate taxes that are due. Example: A total assessed value of $35,000 x 1 mill (.001) = $35.00 in real estate taxes.
What are the due dates for my real estate tax bills?
All real estate tax bills in Franklin County give you the ability to choose from three time periods to pay your bills. The first two months are with a discount. The next two months are at the face amount; this is without a discount or penalty. After those first four months, a penalty will be added. Your local tax collector can answer any questions regarding payment of current real estate tax bills.
What is a mill rate?
The real estate assessment roll is used to levy taxes for the county, municipalities and school districts each year. During the annual budget process for each taxing body, a millage rate (tax rate) is set. One mill represents $1 for every $1,000 of assessed value.
What is an assessment?
All real estate assessments in Franklin County represent 100% of the 1961 market value.
What is the interim or supplemental bill?
This is a special real estate tax bill for new changes/improvements to a property that have not been previously assessed. The improvements are added to the tax rolls and a prorated bill is generated. This bill is in addition to the regular annual real estate tax bills. Contact the Franklin County Tax Assessment Office for more information.
What time period does the county tax bill cover?
January through December annually
When are real estate tax bills mailed?
Typically the county/municipal real estate tax bills are mailed March 1 every year. School real estate tax bills are mailed either July 1 or August 1 every year, depending on the school district.
When was the last reassessment in Franklin County?
The last county-wide reassessment went into effect for 1961.
Why would my assessed value change?
The only times that an assessed value can change is due to changes with the property itself. That includes a new improvement or placing something that wasn’t there before (i.e. a shed), removal/demolition of an improvement, changes in land size, or a county-wide reassessment.
Can I appeal a change that was made to my assessment?
Yes. Every property owner is notified if an assessment change has occurred on a property. That notice gives an appeal deadline for filing. The appeal form needs to be filled out and sent to the Franklin County Tax Assessment Office by the deadline specified on the notice.
Do I have to appeal if I think there is an error in my assessment information?
No. The Franklin County Tax Assessment Office can correct any errors without going through the appeal process. Contact the assessment office to review your property information and confirm any data that may be in question.
Do I have to appear at a hearing?
Yes. The owner and/or their attorney must appear at the hearing. Please refer to the Appeal Procedures, Rules and Regulations for more information.
Do I have to have an attorney?
No. An attorney is not required to appeal your assessment.
How do I initiate the appeal process?
You are required to fill out an appeal form and return it to the Franklin County Tax Assessment Office by the deadline.
How long does a hearing take?
The appeals typically are scheduled in 15-minute increments.
If the appeal board lowers my assessment, will my taxes be lowered?
Yes, usually. However, that depends on the mill rates. You are appealing your assessment, not your taxes. The Board of Assessment only has control over the assessed value of a property, not the mill rate.
Is there a filing fee?
There is no fee to appeal at this time.
What is my next step if I don’t agree with the decision of my appeal?
The next step is to file a petition with the Court of Common Pleas.
What is the filing deadline?
For the annual appeal process, the deadline is August 1 of each year. If you have received a Change of Assessment Notice, the filing deadline is noted on the notice.
When are the appeal hearings held?
Appeal hearings are typically held weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. August to October and as necessary throughout the year.
When can I appeal my assessment?
Annually before August 1 unless you have received a Change of Assessment Notice that gives you a specific date by when you have to appeal.
When is my appeal effective?
When appealing, you are doing so prospectively or for the next taxing year. For example, if you are filing an appeal by August 1, 2024, any decision determined by the Board of Assessment will be effective January 1, 2025.
Who is the Board of Assessment?
The board is made up of qualified property owners from various parts of the county and are appointed by the Franklin County Commissioners.
Do I have to reapply every year?
No. You will not have to reapply again unless your status changes and would require you to fill out a new application, ie. transfer of ownership, address change, death, or moving to or from the property you own.
Does my Homestead follow me to a new home?
No. You will have to reapply to receive Homestead on your new home.
For how long is my application good?
Indefinitely unless you change your residence, mailing address or sell the property. If you are ever required to reapply, you will receive a new application.
In what form does my Homestead exclusion come to me?
It is a reduction in your school real estate taxes. Therefore, the exclusion will automatically be calculated, reducing the original amount of school taxes owed. It is not in the form of a rebate or check.
What do I do if my status changes?
It is the responsibility of the homeowner to notify the Franklin County Tax Assessment Office within 30 days if the status changes.
What factors would remove me from the Homestead program?
- You and/or a co-owner are already approved for Homestead on another property
- Your mailing address does not match the property address
- You are not the current owner of the property
- The application is not completed in its entirety
- The application is received or postmarked after the March 1 deadline
- Changing the mailing address from the property address (including a P.O. box or a c/o)
- Changes in ownership
When can I apply for Homestead?
The application process is from December 15 to March 1 each year.
When is the filing deadline?
March 1 of each year
Who is giving the Homestead exclusion?
The school district in which your property is located determines the amount and gives the reduction based upon gaming revenue generated by the state. The Franklin County Tax Assessment Office only collects and maintains the application process.
Who qualifies for Homestead?
A homeowner that also claims the home as their primary residence.
Why do I continue to receive a Homestead application every year?
It is usually due to the fact that the tax assessment office has not received an application from you. The assessment office must send out an application to all residential property owners each year who have not previously responded. Call the assessment office to verify that that is the situation.
Why would I have received a new application when I’m already approved?
The assessment office has received information that puts your Homestead status for the property described on the application in question. We are requiring you to reapply to confirm ownership and residency. Contact the assessment office with any questions.
Why would my Homestead amount differ from my friends or relatives?
Homestead amounts are determined by individual school districts. Therefore, the amount will differ from school district to school district.
Contact Information
Administration Building
272 North Second Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Phone: 717-261-3801
Fax: 717-264-5218