Work Release Program

The Work Release Program is administered by the Franklin County Probation Department’s Pre-Release Unit from the Franklin County Jail. All participants are made eligible for work release at the time of sentencing. However, all participants must undergo assessment by the jail’s treatment staff to determine if an individual is available for work release. Participants must be made eligible by the court at the time of sentencing to even be considered for the program and are then subject to assessment by the jail’s treatment staff.
At intake, the inmate provides information regarding current employment, if applicable. Contact is made with the employer to confirm information provided by the inmate, and if the employment is determined suitable for Work Release Pre-Release participation, arrangements are made to have the inmate moved to the Pre-Release unit of the jail. Both the inmate and the employer are provided with written program rules.
Unemployed inmates or those whose employment is disapproved can apply for employment with prospective employers on file or outside applications can be brought in to the inmate and provided through Work Release. Applications are hand delivered to potential employers by the Work Release Pre-Release staff on a regular basis.
All inmate pay is processed through Work Release Program Pre-Release where housing, work-related expenses and court-ordered financial obligations are deducted from the paychecks and paid to vendors.