Specialized Programs

Franklin County has developed a Basic Emergency Operations Plan, which includes prevention, preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation should an emergency or disaster occur.
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Franklin County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) outlines the more prevalent natural and man-made hazards in Franklin County and proposes actions or projects that can be implemented ahead of disasters to mitigate loss and damages. The HMP is a foundational document that helps define the threat environment for all emergency preparedness and planning efforts in the county and supports the goals and objectives identified in the Pennsylvania State Hazard Mitigation Plan. More importantly, the HMP enables the municipalities in Franklin County which adopt this plan to compete for federal disaster mitigation funding.
Hazardous Materials Operations
Pay Hazardous Material Fees or Incident Invoices Online
To pay online, click here. You must use a credit or debit card with a credit feature; cards with pin numbers cannot be used. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Please note: a 3% processing fee will be added to all transaction amounts. All service fees are non-refundable.
What Are Hazardous Materials
Hazmat is a regulatory term used by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to refer to any substance or material that poses an unreasonable risk to health, safety or property when transported in commerce. 49 CFR §171.8. Hazmat, also known as “hazardous material” or “dangerous goods” can include, among other things, manufactured items and commercial products. 49 CFR §172.101. Although federal regulations provide an extensive listing of common hazmat items, the person or business offering an item for commercial shipment has the ultimate legal responsibility to determine whether an item qualifies as a hazmat. 49 CFR § 172.200.
The breadth of different types of materials that qualify as hazmat is surprising. For example, hazmat includes:
- certain elemental materials, such as lithium and mercury;
- common chemical compounds, such as butane and methanol;
- most fuels, including gasoline, kerosene, propane and diesel fuel;
- industrial and consumer products, such as aerosols, paints, adhesives, cleaning solutions and pesticides;
- hazardous waste and reportable quantities of CERCLA hazardous substances;
- explosive materials and devices;
- radioactive articles;
- a wide spectrum of manufactured articles, such as internal combustion engines, airbag inflators, fuses, first aid kits, and certain plastic molding compounds; and
- edible items, such as flavoring extracts and certain spirits
According to recent estimates from the Department of Transportation, there are approximately 800,000 daily individual shipments of hazmat in the U.S. every day.
Hazardous Materials Transportation
The federal government regulates the commercial shipment of hazardous materials. The definition of hazardous material (also known as “hazmat” or “dangerous goods”) is surprisingly broad.
What are Hazardous Materials Regulations
The Hazardous Material Regulations (HMR), promulgated by DOT’s Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), are the federal regulations governing the commercial transportation of hazmat in interstate, intrastate and foreign commerce. The HMR covers three general activities: (1) pre-transportation functions; (2) transportation functions; and (3) manufacturing, reconditioning and certifying containers and packaging materials used to transport hazardous materials. 49 CFR § 171.1.
Pre-transportation functions are typically performed by the person or business that wants to send a hazmat item from point A to point B, and include:
- determining a material’s hazard class;
- selecting the proper packaging;
- packaging the hazmat item;
- marking and labeling the package to indicate that it contains hazardous material;
- preparing shipping papers;
- providing and maintaining emergency response information;
- reviewing all shipping paperwork to confirm compliance with the HMR or international equivalents;
- for a person or business importing hazmat into the U.S., providing the foreign shipper with timely and complete information as to the HMR requirements that will apply to the material once in the U.S.;
- certifying that the hazmat item is in proper condition for transportation in conformance with the HMR;
- 49 CFR § 171.1(b). Transportation functions are typically performed by the carrier from the time the carrier takes possession of the hazmat package until the hazmat package is delivered to the destination indicated on the shipping paperwork. Transportation functions typically include:
- movement of a hazardous material by motor vehicle, aircraft, rail car or vessel;
- loading the hazardous material for the purpose of movement (e.g., loading a packaged hazardous material onto a aircraft, or segregating a hazardous material package from incompatible cargo in a freight container);
- unloading hazardous material incidental to movement (e.g., unloading a hazmat package from a transport vehicle); and
- storage of a hazardous material incidental to movement
49 CFR § 171.1(b). Certain functions can be described as either “pre-transportation” or “transportation” functions depending on who performs the function (e.g. loading a hazmat item into a freight container is a transportation function if conducted by, or in the presence of, the carrier).
Franklin County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) 2025 Meeting Dates
- January 30, 2025
- April 24, 2025
- July 31, 2025
- October 30, 2025
Meetings begin at 4 p.m. and are held at the Franklin County Department of Emergency Services, 390 New York Avenue, Chambersburg.
For more information, contact Jerry Houpt, Hazmat Specialist, at 717-264-2813 or jlhoupt@franklincountypa.gov.
The Franklin County Department of Emergency Services also provides all aspects of a comprehensive emergency management program. The program, originally known as Civil Defense, is a function of government that coordinates the entire community’s effort to minimize the impact of a disaster before it occurs. Plans are in place to coordinate the community’s response to a disaster as well as rapid and complete recovery from the effects of a disaster.
The Franklin County Emergency Management Agency is responsible for providing a comprehensive emergency management system in Franklin County. Emergency Management coordinates activities through five phases of emergencies/disasters that can be natural, man-made, terroristic, involving hazardous material, chemical or technological in nature.