August 29, 2024

Long Named Franklin County’s August Employee Of The Month

August 2024 Employee of the Month

Pictured (from left): Franklin County Commissioner John Flannery, August Employee of the Month Zachary Long, Franklin County Planning Director Steve Thomas and Commissioner Chairman Dean Horst


CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners proudly presented the August 2024 Employee of the Month award to Zachary Long during the board’s Aug. 28 public meeting. Long has been employed by Franklin County since February 2022 and serves as an administrative assistant in the county’s planning department.


August’s Employee of the Month recipient was determined by the Special Thanks and Recognition (STAR) Committee, which received 22 nominations for the August award, nine of which were for Long.


“Zak is the type of employee who is ready to jump in and assist his fellow coworkers when they need help,” said one nomination. “Recently, Zak stepped up to the plate to take on extra responsibilities as his department has experienced an unexpected staffing shortage. Zak has enthusiastically volunteered to learn a new role, new tasks and new responsibilities to help his department through this challenging time. He is prepared to do whatever is necessary to help his department and coworkers complete these critical, time-sensitive tasks to help serve and protect the residents of Franklin County and beyond. Through all of this additional work, Zak has been able to complete his normal, day-to-day tasks as the planning department’s admin.”


The nomination continued, “At other times, Zak has volunteered to assist with projects and activities outside of his department. He serves on both the Key Concepts and Sunshine committees. He has helped the tax claim office with its appeals process, he has served on the website development task force, and he was critical in executing the county’s photo contest.”


“Zak has always been someone you can rely on when you are in need of an extra hand for a project,” said one nomination. “He is always enthusiastic and willing to help wherever he is needed and wherever he can be of use. Zak is willing to learn new things and get involved. He’s also been very helpful when it comes to providing quality constructive feedback on a variety of projects. As an admin assistant in the planning department, Zak is resourceful when it comes to assisting members of the public when they visit the office or when they call into the office with questions regarding the department’s various programs and projects.”


Long’s outstanding characteristics are attributes that have not gone unnoticed by his peers. He is described as resourceful, helpful, creative, diligent, friendly, personable, reliable, punctual, knowledgeable and enthusiastic.


The Franklin County Commissioners congratulated Long on his recognition and thanked him for his excellent work and for exuding such a high standard of knowledge, leadership and excellence to the employees and residents of Franklin County.


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