April 21, 2016

Pinwheels for Prevention

Blue Pinwheels


The Pinwheels for Prevention campaign is the national platform of Prevent Child Abuse America© and is designed to increase our nation’s focus on community activities and public policies that prioritize prevention right from the start. The ultimate goal is to make sure child abuse and neglect never occur and to share the message that prevention is possible.

The Pinwheels for Prevention campaign began in 2008 and provides a unique opportunity for all of us, individuals and organizations alike, to take action by learning more about prevention, supporting child and family friendly policies and services, and volunteering at the local, state, and national levels.


Did you Know?

The pinwheel and the blue ribbon are two symbols used to raise awareness of Child Abuse Prevention Month.

The Pinwheel symbolizes a carefree childhood and represents the hope and promise that every child deserves to be raised in a healthy, safe and nurturing environment. The pinwheel is a happy and uplifting symbol of childhood and allows us to celebrate children and families. The blue ribbon is a symbol to remind us of the seriousness of child abuse and the need for prevention.

The blue ribbon campaign began in 1989 when a grandmother tied a blue ribbon to the antenna of her car in response to the severe abuse of her grandchildren and killing of her grandson.


Why blue?

Blue is a reminder of the bruises.


How You Can Help

Pinwheel "Flower Pots" are being sold by Over the Rainbow Children's Advocacy Center for $5/each throughout the month of April

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