December 06, 2022

Franklin County Hosting Public Forum On Broadband Services

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. – The Franklin County Commissioners invite residents and stakeholders to share their thoughts and feedback on broadband internet services in the county by attending a public meeting at 6 p.m. Dec. 12 at the Franklin County Administration Building, 272 N. Second St., Chambersburg.


The meeting is part of the Broadband Community Assessment, a joint effort by Franklin and Adams counties to assess current internet service needs and the necessary technological solutions that would provide acceptable levels of service in the future. Funding for the study comes from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).


Those attending the meeting will learn more about the broadband study, including the importance of community feedback, as well as an analysis of existing broadband assets in the county, lessons learned from completed broadband studies in other counties, current communications technology implementations, funding opportunities, county broadband organization options, and the timeframe for the proposed study.


Residents and stakeholders are also encouraged to share their thoughts and feedback on broadband internet services in the county by answering a brief survey. Three surveys are available:


Surveys are also available on the Information Technology Services page of the Franklin County website, Additionally, paper copies of the survey have been mailed to select households in the county. Those who would like to complete the survey but lack internet access are encouraged to visit public libraries, senior centers and other locations that provide free public computer usage. The survey is available online through Jan. 12.


For more information on the Broadband Community Assessment in Franklin County, contact

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