Family Based Mental Health Services

Family Based Mental Health Services are designed to provide community based therapy and support services to children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems. FBMHS provides therapy in a family’s home by utilizing a two-person team who are under the supervision of a Program Director.

The goal of the program is to enhance parents’ feelings of empowerment and self-efficiency so they can help themselves and their children become psychologically and financially self-sufficient. The function of FBMHS is to assist families with maintaining their child in the home rather than in a psychiatric or residential facility.

Family members are encouraged to actively participate in assessment, treatment planning, development of treatment goals, and ongoing review of progress. The child, family and FBMHS team work together to develop a plan that is individualized and designed to fit each family’s unique situation.

All services are designed to better circumstances, empower families and prevent out-of-home placement.  


Agencies that provide Family Based Mental Health Services: 

Family Care Services, Inc.
Momentum Services
Laurel Life Services, Inc.
Franklin Family Services
Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Inc.