Wednesday, August 21, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Franklin County Board of Commissioners' Meeting
Fannett Metal Elementary School
14823 Path Valley Rd
Willow Hill, Pennsylvania
Departments: Commissioners Office,
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The Franklin County Commissioners will hold its August 21, 2024 public board meeting at Fannett-Metal Elementary School, 14823 Path Valley Road, Willow Hill.
To watch this meeting, click here.
Meeting ID: 829 6625 1083
Password: N5RQFu
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Meeting ID: 829 6625 1083
Passcode: 716939
For agendas (available the day before the meeting) or minutes, please see below:
Meeting Agenda and Board Actions
Contact Susan Christophel at (717) 264-4125 with any questions or comments.
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Franklin County is a great place to visit for many different reasons! Visit the Franklin County Visitors Bureau to plan your next adventure.