Effective April 1, 2016, Franklin County Transportation will be transitioned to rabbittransit. In the upcoming weeks, we will be providing updates to our website . Information also will be available at the rabbitransit website at These announcements will reflect those changes that are made to the service and how it will impact our customers when making their transportation arrangements.
Starting March 18, 2016; rabbittransit will become the Call Center that assists all paratransit riders from Franklin County. The calls will be filtered through the current call system and will direct customers to the appropriate area. Franklin County riders will call the rabbittransit number 1-800-632-9063 as of March 18 for trips beginning April 1, 2016.
Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP)
Medical Assistance Transportation Application
Medical Assistance Transportation Application (Spanish)
Persons with Disabilities Program (PwD)
Persons with Disabilities Program (PwD) are available to individuals that have a temporary or permanent mental or physical disability and are between the ages of 18-64. You can schedule transportation to medical appointments, work, personal errands, and other miscellaneous destinations that are not sponsored by another funding source. Persons with Disabilities Application Packet
Senior Transportation
Senior Transportation is available to people who are between the ages of 60-64. Trips are sponsored by the Area Office of Aging. You can schedule transportation to medical appointments, work, personal errands, and other miscellaneous destinations. The majority of trips require a co-pay of $1.50 per one-way trip Senior Citizen Transportation Application
Senior Citizen Transportation
Senior Citizen Transportation is funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for people who are 65 years of age and older. Area Office on Aging subsidizes essential trips leaving your fare at $1.50. For non-essential trips such as non-food shopping, restaurants, beauty shops, and banks, you will be responsible for a 15% co-payment. Please confirm your co-payment when you schedule your transportation. Senior Citizen Registration
Escort Certain funding sources will pay the fare for an escort to travel along with a rider. An escort is to be used to provide for a rider something they cannot do for themselves such as physical, mental or language assistance. All escorts must be preapproved. Medical documentation may be required. Escort Application
General Public Transportation
General Public Transportation is available to all residents of Franklin County. If you do not feel that you qualify for any funding sponsorship please complete a general public application. You will be responsible to pay for your fare. General Public Application